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2 min

Cimajie Best was born and raised in Oakcliff, Texas and currently works for a strategic communications firm. Growing up in Southern Dallas

6 min

Judge Monica Purdy was elected to the 95th District Court in Dallas County this past November with record breaking numbers, securing over

3 min

Lauren Rangel is currently a Reflect Us Fellow and Digital Organizing Manager at the Children’s Defense Fund, working as part of the

6 min

Rachel Proctor is the Mayor of DeSoto, Texas—a city located in South Dallas County. Prior to serving as Mayor, Rachel was a

3 min

Ana-Maria Ramos currently serves as a representative for District 102 in the Texas House of Representatives. She has served in the Texas

9 min

Born and raised in a union family in Houston, Texas, Justice Amanda Reichek’s inspiration for her career and academic studies were in

3 min

Hosanna Yemiru is a rising example of an immigrant Black woman finding her way through the United States political landscape. Despite being

5 min

MacKenzie Jenkins is an inspiring, passionate advocate for human rights education. She founded Justice She Wrote in 2016, while pursuing a major

4 min

A recent graduate from the University of Texas at Dallas, Madeleine Keith left her mark on the campus as a former Archer

4 min

When asked what was next for her, Eddie Bernice Johnson, a United States Representative serving the 30th district of Texas laughed a