East Texas

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7 min

Lucy Hebron is the first woman elected County Judge in Wood County, a small county in East Texas. Her passion for liberty

8 min

Upon first meeting Dalila Reynoso, one cannot help but immediately notice and be struck by the passion and empathy with which she

4 min

Vanessa Diosdado is the youngest candidate and only Hispanic woman running to represent Sulphur Springs City Council. At twenty years old, Vanessa

5 min

Dr. Carolyn Salter is running for United States House of Representatives, Congressional District 5—a district situated in rural East Texas. But this

5 min

Este Poder, meaning This Power or Power of the East, is shaking things up in and empowering to people of North East

3 min

Armetta Lashun was born and raised in Troup, Texas. Growing up in a town with a population of about 2,000 people, civic

5 min

On August 31st, 2019, TX-HD6 State Representative Matt Schaefer posted a thread of tweets in response to the call for gun reform

2 min

The dictionary defines family as “a group of parents and children living together in a household” or “all the descendants of a

5 min

In 2012, the city of Tyler began an initiative of creating a more beautiful place by planting trees throughout the area. Introduced

3 min

Somewhere on the campaign trail in the 25th congressional district of Texas you’ll find Julie Oliver, the democratic nominee taking on incumbent