El Paso

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2 min

Claudia Ordaz Perez believes in the power of women in politics. She currently serves in the 76th District of the Texas House

5 min

Veronica Escobar is a United States Congressmember elected to represent Texas’ Congressional District 16, covering El Paso and surrounding areas. When she

5 min

Phyllis Martinez Gonzalez presided over the Title IV-D Court located in El Paso, Texas for the past seven years. She recently ran

3 min

Estefania Mitre is a Mexican immigrant who currently attends the University of Texas at El Paso where she studies journalism. For Estefania,

6 min

Although she never imagined she’d follow her great-grandfather’s footsteps (he was a mayor of a rural Mexican town), Veronica Carbajal is running

3 min

Lyda Ness-García, the co-founder of Women’s March of El Paso and Stand with El Paso Women, an activist for child advocacy and

4 min

Born and raised in Boston Massachusetts, Alexsandra Annello grew up in an outspoken Italian household with her single mother. Her mother worked