Texas 254 Women

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6 min

Annise Parker served as the 61st Mayor of Houston, Texas. Most headlines featuring Annise’s life story focuses on the fact that she

6 min

Rochelle Garza, the democratic nominee for Texas Attorney General, is no stranger when it comes to standing up for others. As an

4 min

Kenda Culpepper is the first woman elected as Rockwall County District Attorney. In fact, she was the first woman elected as District

5 min

Carol Alvarado serves in the Texas Senate District 6—covering portions of Harris County. She previously served in the overlapping Texas House of

4 min

Jessica Cisneros is running to represent Texas in Congressional District 28—a position she also ran for in 2020. On top of being

4 min

Vicki Byrd, who was recently elected to the Denton City Council, can trace her experience with community action all the way back

4 min

Nyx Mendoza has worked on twelve campaigns across North Texas in the short span of three years. She is a campaign guru

7 min

Lucy Hebron is the first woman elected County Judge in Wood County, a small county in East Texas. Her passion for liberty