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Lily Griffin

Jessica González: Proof that women can get things done

Updated: Apr 19, 2024

Jessica González headshot

​Jessica González is currently serving her first term in the Texas House of Representatives, representing District 104. She represents constituents of her hometown in Dallas, Texas, and advocates for expanding voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights, affordable housing, and much more. Though she never originally intended to run for elected office, she had a pivotal experience that encouraged her to do so. With unwavering support from her family and friends, she set on a path to truly make a difference in Texas politics. She is a firm believer in fighting for the ‘little guy’ and seeing things through to the end.

Representative González never planned on being in political office, but after experiencing injustice firsthand, she knew she had to be a voice for her community. While in college at the University of Texas at Arlington, her car was hit by a driver who ran a red light. The police arrived, but ultimately did not care to hear her side of the story. Even after González’s mother showed up to help, the police continued to disregard them. The police went as far as threatening to arrest her mother, unless she started to speak English. González knew in this moment that she never wanted to feel helpless again, which sparked her interest in studying law.

While in law school, González helped develop a mayoral campaign, where she researched economic development policy, with an emphasis on small businesses. She later worked on the reelection campaign for former President Obama as the Nevada Protection Director. Post-graduation, she opened her law firm Gandara and González, PLLC in Oak Cliff. Currently, she works as a civil litigator with a focus on personal injury. González is a firm believer in getting justice for those who may not have the knowledge, or means, to fight for themselves.

González decided to run for political office in 2018, after hearing her incumbent’s views on issues occurring nationally. She knew that her hometown deserved better, so she ran against an incumbent with decades of experience, despite some discouragement from others. González was elected to the Texas House of Representatives in 2018 and is currently running for reelection in 2020.

González requested to be on House committees where she could be the most impactful. She serves on the Criminal Jurisprudence and Urban Affairs Committees. She has made multiple strides towards expanding voting and LGBTQ+ rights, affordable housing, and protecting small businesses.  Her parents started MexSnax, a Mexican snack manufacturing business, thirty-five years ago that caters across Texas and in many other states.  González credits her values and strong work ethic to her parents that have worked hard to make sure their family realized the American Dream and is an example of how far determination and an education can take you.

Whether Representative González is defending someone’s civil rights as a trial lawyer, or serving on one of her House committees, she protects those who simply need someone on their side. She does not waver in front of big businesses or in cases of injustices. When asking her if she had any tips for young women, she had a simple message, “Never forget that women know how to get things done.”

Jessica González Engaging with Children in Education

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